Mahmoud Ahmed

Postdoc - Cancer Genomics

A guided training on evaluating clinical evidence

A training program for medical students on evaluating clinical evidence funded by the National Health Insurance Service in Korea

Capstone Title: Meta-analysis of the Effect of Orlistat on The Body Mass Index in Obese Subjects


Overweight and obesity are major health problems with several associated co-morbidities. Many clinical trials were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of the available anti-obesity agents. Meta-analysis of published studies provides one way to evaluate existing evidence. Here, we will survey the published literature, extract data and analyze the aggregate effect of the intervention on the target outcome. The intervention of interest is the anti-obesity agent Xenical with and without bodyweight management programs. The target outcome is reducing the body mass index (BMI) in obese subjects.


Comparing the efficacy of Orlistat (Xenical) versus placebo and/or other bodyweight management programs for obese subjects with or without specific co-morbidities.


Participants would be able to

  • Survey the literature using a set search strategy and inclusion criteria
  • Extract data on the interventions and outcomes
  • Apply a random-effects model meta-analysis to obtain an average effect of the treatment.
  • Report on the analysis in a scientific paper format
